Marketers are under increasing pressure to become more strategic when it comes to online advertising as manufacturers assist in advertising blocking. The latest Apple iOS 9 software update allows third party applications to block advertisements on phones and tablets. Traditionally, advertisement blocking occurred mostly on PCs. ABC News reports that in Australia 3.7 million users actively block advertising, mostly on their desktop PC. It’s anticipated that many mobile device consumers will install third-party ad blocking software to alleviate some of the frustration caused by bulking, data sucking banner and video ads that diminish the customer experience.
It’s possible that in the near future, digital advertisement blocking will become as mainstream as the ‘no junk mail’ signs we currently see on mailboxes.
I see this as a great opportunity for marketers to review the content they produce and stay data driven, by that I mean look at your communications strategy across digital, traditional and emerging technologies and engage with your customers through the channels that they are most receptive to. If you’re on the Spark platform we can show you how, the answers are in your data. Email for further information.

A.A Stevens