Spark Mailhouse Integration

Maximise effiencies by securely automating the delivery of printed customer communications

Our time-saving integration with Australian mailhouse company, Bing Technologies, is available to all Spark Platform clients.

BingMail is a mailhouse service offered through Bing Technologies, an Australian company offering quality, private and secure print and postage services.

The Spark Platform BingMail integration securely automates the delivery of printed customer communications, eliminating the manual handling of Australia Post items.

This integration streamlines the administrative workload, and lowers the associated cost whilst enabling your organisation to leverage the dynamic content functionality within the Platform service.

How does the BingMail integration work?


Letter communications are developed via your Spark Platform, then the integration securely sends the documents to Bing to process, print and lodge them for mailing.

There is a one-time setup fee to install, configure and test the integration. Ongoing cost is based on usage and will be included on your monthly Spark invoices. Pricing is provided upon request.

Key Benefits

Increase efficiency:
Further streamline and automate your letter communications. With no minimum job size, you can send just one or thousands of letters at a time.

Save time – add value:
Eliminate the manual processes of your internal teams and help them focus on more value-add activities.

Spark is well-equipped to provide comprehensive maintenance and support.

The BingMail integration transmits via HTTPS/SSL and provides end-to-end data encryption.

Brand consistency:
With the ability to tailor individual communications, the integration can handle multi-branding requirements.

Use cases:
From regulatory, administrative, service or compliance related – the use cases are enormous! Direct Debit Dishonour, Membership Termination, Open/Closed Chequing, Overdue Loans, Rate Change Notifications, Cancelled Accounts/Facilities, Term Deposit Certificates and Renewals, and Expiring Term Notices – the list goes on…